Saturday, May 2, 2009

Support Your Team-- Drink This Beer (NL East)

As promised, we kick off the month of May with the National League side of things...
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On to the MLB beer pairings.


PHILLIES: Newcastle. Has a very loyal following, but that can polarize other fans because it makes a strong impression. The passionate fan base will stick with the beer through thick and thin (even out of a can, if necessary).

METS: Amstel Light. Certainly a popular choice, but you have to be careful what this beer says about you. The main 3 light beers (B-, C- and Miller Lite) are defensible as they are usually consumed in mass quantities. But how many times have you gotten hammered on Amstel, let alone even ordered more than one pitcher? Can’t completely hammer the beer, though, because it is a quality product. But perhaps the closest similarity is the performance over the course of a night: fantastic way to start, but Amstel doesn’t have much of a finish to it—kind of like NY’s last two Septembers…

MARLINS: Sam Adams. Casual fans seldom appreciate the beer (at least the Boston Lager), which has a lot of hops. But if you appreciate the nuances in play, Sam Adams does a lot of the little things right.; the alcoholic equivalent of going first to third. Also worth mentioning—comes up big in October (Octoberfest= their best seasonal).

BRAVES: Corona. A beer that most locals (i.e.- Mexicans) actually do not like. The beer is very popular mainly because of marketing (TBS) and the pairing of lime, which adds flavor to an otherwise bland product.

NATIONALS: Bud Light-Lime. Can’t think of any serious fan that would actually consider this product. An spin-off that falls flatter that “Joey”. Also considered Natty Light, because you know they’re bad, and they know they’re bad, but it seemed a little on the nose.

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